Friday, October 16, 2009

Welcome to Txt2Wear

There are plenty of nice, artistic shirt designs out there. And many sites that promote those artful designs and the people who created them. Sometimes, though, people just want a shirt that says something. Anything.

Like this:

At Txt2Wear, it's all about the message. Whether humorous or serious, witty or blunt, the message is front and center. Txt2Wear promotes text-based designs, as long as they are G, PG or PG-13 themed. Art is lovely, art is fine. But when you want to make a statement, you still need a good line.

Txt2Wear will exhibit different shops' favorite designs. Posts may relate to a certain theme, or may highlight a single design that caught our eye. In any event, you will be able to visit that shop and see what other designs they have as well.

We hope you enjoy the ride.

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