Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Call for Demotivator Designs

Now that we've seen the great designs that shopkeepers have for 'tude, we are going to turn it down a notch, or two, or who knows how many. We are looking for bad attitude / demotivator designs. You know, "if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." Those types of designs. Feel free to nominate designs in the comments section.

The ground rules are:

1. The designs must have a text message.
2. G and PG designs only.
3. Designs having only generic, arial font text will not be accepted.
4. Sacrilegious designs will not be accepted.
5. Submissions will be accepted until Sunday 10:00pm EST.
6. No more than five submissions per shopkeeper - I will select up to three from each shop.

Thank you in advance for your submissions.

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